Professional Coaching
Are you feeling burned out, in transition or wanting to take the next step but don’t know what direction to go?
This professional package strategically guides you using your purpose to reassess and redefine, then align yourself who you are and where you want to go with a career direction that matches your true purpose in life.
This three month program guides your from knowing your purpose, to exploring relevant career options into your ideal career path and direction.
Initial 30 min. Personalized Life Purpose Phone Consultation
(6) Additional 30 min. Express Your Purpose Professionally Coaching Sessions by Phone
Receive my “Find Your Life Easily in 4 Hours or Less” online course and the PDF companion workbook 111 Inspirational Life Purpose Quotes to Find Your Purpose in Life
Crafting support to create a resume tailored to your life purpose, skills/gifts & talents and your ideal job targets.
Have a 1 hour radio interview on my show Living Life on Purpose
Unlimited email support for the duration of your program
Suzanne will help you to:
Discover your ultimate life purpose & the most fulfilling expressions for you
Craft your own Life Purpose or Personal Mission Statement
Know your own “Life Purpose DNA”
Identify your Top 10 Skills, Gifts & Talents
Identify your Top 10 Ways to Make a Difference
Research & Identify the Top 10 Companies or Industries You Want to Work In
Explore what your Right Livelihood Is It Self Employment or Corporate
Express your Creativity, Share your Expertise, Get Your Ideas Out in your Chosen Media
Create your Ideal Career Path or Direction for a More Fulfilling Life or Craft your ideal resume to reflect your purpose and path
Make a Transition Plan from your “regular job” to a “Lifestyle Entrepreneur”
Stay on track to accomplish your goals using a step-by-step process
Work through any fears, blocks or obstacles as they arise
Hold you accountable to achieve or exceed your goals
Professional Coaching: Pinpoint Your Purpose, Ideal Job & Career
Investment for 3 month Career Program: $1,597