Resources & recommendations
Suzanne recommends that you optimize your current reality
To Have the Best of All Possible Worlds
Organizing from the Inside Out, Julie Morgenstern
Living through the Meantime, Iyanla Vanzant
Remodel Your Reality, Kimberly Fulcher
Expressing your Heart’s Desires, Finding Your Life Purpose & Right Livelihood
Expressing your Heart’s Desires, Finding Your Life Purpose & Right Livelihood
Steering by Starlight, Martha Beck
The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren
Follow Your Bliss, Hal Zina Bennett & Susan Sparrow
Do What you Love & the Money Will Follow, Marsha Sinetar
Awakening Your Intuition & Inner Wisdom – The Spiritual Journey
The Seeker, Elizabeth LesserThe Shift, Owen Waters
Spiritual Liberation, Michael Bernard Beckwith
The Unfolding Now, A. H. Almaas
The Inner Journey Home, A. H. Almaas
Ask & It is Given, Jerry & Ester Hicks
Create a Divinely Inspire Action Plan to Achieve Success
Creating Abundance, Deepak Chopra
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Ecker
The Invisible Path to Success, Robert Scheinfeld
Busting Loose of the Money Game, Robert Scheinfeld
The Spiritual Connection with Nature
Behaving if the God in all Life Matters, Machaelle Small Wright
The Book of Secrets, Deepak ChorpaThe Spiritual Life of Plants, Peter Thompkins & Christopher Bird
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
Divination Tools
The Medicine Cards, Jamie Sams
Tools & Products to Deepen your Spiritual Side & Connection to your ownInner Wisdom that Suzanne Recommends
Ask & It is Given Exercises, Jerry & Ester HicksThe Life Visioning Process, Michael Bernard BeckwithThe Complete Vision Board Kit, John Assaraf
Free & Fun Online Psychic Reading & Divination Sites
www.InsightfulRunes.com – gives you immediate guidance to your Financial, Relationship & Spiritual questions
www.mydivination.com – a great site that lets you pick the type of reading and the oracle you want to use for the reading
Assessments to Learn More About Yourself
Who am I Meant to Be, Oprah November 2009, pg 186